Hobbies That Make Money – Earn Extra Money To Go Towards Debt, Retirement Or Fun Stuff!
Having a hobby is great. Hobbies are an awesome way to enjoy something you love, meet other people, and learn new and interesting things. What can be even better is having a hobby that has the potential to actually MAKE money.
Some people only choose hobbies that have the potential to be profitable. They get to do something they enjoy with the added benefit of possibly making some extra cash on the side.
That extra cash can be put towards all kinds of financial goals. Paying down debt. Saving for retirement. Saving for a special vacation. Or just fun stuff in general.
Over the years I’ve had a number of hobbies that would make extra money. In total I’ve made over $50,000 from my personal hobbies. Some are more profitable than others. The important thing is that they’ve all been fun. This extra money has gone straight into investments where it can grow further thanks to the power of compounding.